Mobile addiction, screen addiction, message me addiction - this is the age of iHypnosis.

Even babies that can walk and talk want in on it. It's changing everything, it's changing your kids, your family and even your life. You can be and will be shut down in a moment. In conversation, at dinner, in meetings. A beep a flashing light or a quick vibration and you are invisible while the addict remains a slave to an addiction whilst unaware of their slavery.

iHypnosis is world changing.

It controls the mass and stunts the creatives. ADD has nothing on this. Look over there, here she comes, twenty-something walking looking sexy coming down the street with her pals. She's with them but she is on her own. She seems distant, connected, over connected by her intense, unsmiling focus into her phone screen.It's addiction, its addict, it's addiction to the screen where nothing happens but everything happens. She misses the clear blue sunshine sky and its new white bright clouds. She misses the birds that sing songs, build nests and visit for the day, just for the day. She fails to see the people, the white people, the black people, the olive people, the yellow people the peoples of the world that make the world so beautiful. All the people around her are invisible. all the wonderful colors of humanity around her are now just one shade, nothing is the same yet it's all now the same.Walking towards her is her friends, they are all connected, addicted, all of them staring down at their connected partners for the day, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, HTC, Sony and a Blackberry being led away from the moment only to connect to something more distant that will come at some point. Be here, be there be nowhere people have arrived.Eventually, just opposite me where I sit in the Roman café overlooking St Peters Basilica in Rome they bump into each other with a slight scream, kisses on the cheeks, loving girlie hugs only to send their eyes back onto their tiny 3.5-inch screens to be connected back to their connection. As they walk over to the café where I sit and drink black, strong Italian coffee alone they sit around a table just opposite me. One by one they take their seats in preparation for what I think is going to be long talks, laughs and chatting. That’s not what happened. They all sit down and all keep their phone in their hands. All four hands are at an angle of 45% just below their eyes so no new messages will be missed. The second another message arrives is the second another message is replied to. Buzz, vibrate, flash and beep! I can hear and see laughs only to continually be interrupted by all four girls checking in, logging out, replying to a text, uploading photos and laughing again. It's selfie time, look at me.I do wonder why not a group photo, I do wonder why a just my photo but this is hypnosis - iHypnosis and this is a place where brilliantly becomes stupid. It reminded me of watching TV hypnosis, one word, one click and again the spell has been cast! Then in my gym just 3 days ago something unusual happened. A young girl, around 25 years walked into the weights room. A young girl in the weights room in this gym is unusual. Of course, all the guy's eyes followed her steps until she sat down and started working out on a machine.Here’s what is unusual. She wore full makeup, extra long lashes and her hair were almost as if she was going to a party, not the gym.That’s not the only unusual thing-taking place here. In one hand was her phone, her left arm raised at 45% with her face staring at the screen. For every weight machine she sat on, she repeated her actions. Sat down, took a position, raised her head slightly, looked down at the screen and press… another photo, another check-in, another upload. She missed her admirers, she missed her real intention of being at the gym, she missed the guy in the corner that couldn’t take his eyes off her and she missed every stretch, every tone, every breath and moment of a feeling fitter in the gym. She was hooked, she was buzzed, she is addicted!And just last night while watching a brilliant movie with my 3 sons, there was a problem, all 3 of my sons had their hands at 45%, just below their eyes and never stopped texting, status updating and of course … asking me what just happening in the movie. ADD-icted!They missed the reason for watching the movie, they missed the vital parts of the movie which meant it had to be paused and explained, they missed the silence and the magic of being part of a dream on celluloid just for 120 minutes while unplugging from the crazy, busy and demanding world around us. I don’t know about you but when I watch hypnosis on stage it usually results in fixed faces, endless stares, empty addicted looks that are doing exactly what they are being told or drawn along to copy.This is the age, iHypnosis is real, it's dangerous, it's subtle. Is a world hell-bent always on mass control iHypnosis is at a level that we never expected has arrived in silence and is almost removing people from reality?We give information to the web, the web has evolved to a stage so far that it now feeds us what it knows we are drawn to, desire, dream about, talk about and even fantasize about. iHypnosis is clever, sharp, insidious and a master conditioner of the human brain. Now every seller of nothing can access even your pocket where ever you are. Are the conditioners doing this to help and inspire mankind? Are they doing it to progress mankind? Are they creating such incredible communication tools that we are moved to make the world or even our own lives a better place? One man in China sells his kidney so he can buy an iPad2 and iPhone 4. Can you imagine is utter disappointment when iPad 3 and iPhone 5 arrives? What will he sell next?Kids are hooked in - ADD-icted, the process of conditioning the mind is huge, it creates pointless movements claiming to be people’s revolutions only to create peoples destruction - poor Syria, poor Ukraine, fooled by the fools. It shares the human body as an object to be displayed, no longer depraved and an object for leisure, pleasure and gratification.It joins the unjoinable whilst attaching something to the brain, to the mind, to the very soul of a man. Now life is no longer private. Addicts are addicting whilst using toilets, using bathrooms, in their broken sleep and even whilst making love. Beep, buzz, addict me, addict you, addict world, look at me while I sell my soul for another like, another follower, another friend I will never know!Lets not forget the powers behind the web. They are there to sell you, to buy you, to hook you in, to hypnotize and surprise you into a movement of nothing that last as long as the mist in the morning. Is that what you want for you or your children? A recent report suggested kids cannot name 5 trees, they no longer are able to identify birds, they have no idea what the name of wild fruits, flowers or almost anything else organic that creates and makes a wonderful world. Yet most of the young guys that plays games endlessly can name almost any weapon created to kill, the best way to kill another. The same with girls, they know about steamy TV Z-listers that claim greatness through a debased life of drugs, sex, silicone, Botox and a life based on looks that fade. They had never heard of Marie Curie, Emmeline Pankhurst, Rosa Parks or any other great lights of the past who understood that being connected was always for the greater good of mankind. iHypnosis appears to be teaching them that anything goes, the short term is good whilst at the same time hypnotizing them to the real world and what is around them.Morality died for another like! Connection is being lost to any sense of the divine, the supernatural, the misunderstood, the adventure, the unknown and even the wind blowing in your face whilst overemphasize is being placed upon short term, short, fast living, misinformation and pseudo guides that lead into nothing, nowhere and even death. New rules, new thoughts based on hidden agendas, sales, support, destruction, addiction and money. Anyone, anything, any noise can look good online.We are in a world that has lost its sense of identity as real humanity become more conditioned, more, dumbed, more senseless and more defying the natural laws of humanity. Zoomanity is on the rampage, the false prophets will continue to dig their hypnotic claws even deeper and deeper. But how about you? Are you asking questions or just accepting what comes as a move forward? Despots come, another despot sadly usually follows despots go but.Yet you have one life.Are you being moved, shaped, conditioned and directed by iHypnosis?Are you allowing this to make decisions in your life?Think about it. Something isn’t right, something’s out of balance, there’s never been a stronger time for you to awaken and Escape from Zoomanity. Zoomanity contains of course while humanity thinks and sees. It has wisdom, it has vision and it understands the simple laws of nature that are being manipulated by the captured mind that shows endless addiction to iHypnosis, to ADD-ctions to endless nothings.Beep, buzz, ring and vibrate. The screen demands and the screen gets buts whats the bigger message behind all of this? Don't be fooled, awaken your mind, take control and think for yourself.Question everything, accept nothing you don't know and challenge the mainstream always.  




Law of Action