Law of Action The action you are about to take will affect your life in ways you’ll never have believed possible. It could be riches, it could be relationships, it could be new loves, it could be a new home, new country, new anything. The Law of action is the one big step that will almost feel like you are rolling the boulder over the top of the hill. Once sent the momentum will gain with no turning back. Don’t worry, you are fine, you will be fine. The action you take is based on knowing, it’s based on an inner feeling of it all being right. This is the law of action. The law of action is unusual, it can be undone but when undone it see the return to Zoomanity, a final letting go of dreams, a life back in the rules, conditions, regulations of Zoomanity. When you tune back you cannot go back to what was, only to what is being repaired. You have experienced and lived through the previous thoughts and laws. Now you know, you know that whatever action you take will reshape your life forever. It could fail you of course, but only if you fail to listen to yourself and dig deep enough to know what is next. I know a story of a woman that lived in a very tight knit community in the heart of France. Her own Zoomanity was her whole life. She was trapped in an endless cycle of repeat and condition, repeat and condition. The day arrived when she awakened to her trappings. Her relationships were destructive and abusive. Her life revolved around drunken bouts from her men. Hour upon hour of TV watching. Her routines were humdrum, boring and an endless cycle of sighing and resentment. Yet she knew after going through the previous laws on an unconscious level that the time was coming for her to take action. Her action would mean, moving away from family, leaving her community, leaving her job, leaving her friends, leaving the familiarity of all things. Her time arrived. Her action was huge but based on years of resentment and lack of fulfillment. She had one car, three kids and a dog. She put all of them and any useful belonging into the car. Then she drove away with nothing apart from all that was in the car. She drove and drove and drove with no real plans, she just knew staying where she was killing her slowly inside. Her escape from Zoomanity had begun, it was well underway. 18 years later she looks back. Her life is happy, she is fulfilled, her children are happy, she has a new husband, new friends, new community and new life in the south of France She had to face every possible fear. She came to finally realize that fear is simply the imagination creating an imagined outcome based on what her conditioning had created within her. The realities were her fears now faced were unfounded and no longer insurmountable. She survived, thrived and expanded. Her life is so different, the same life, the same her but very different. Released from her own enslavement in Zoomanity, released from her cage, free to decide, act and move in any chosen direction. She has retrained her mind and being to build a life that she needed, not just wanted as fed by the conditioners of Zoomanity. Her children are educated and all doing great with open, endless opportunities her old life couldn't have given them. She has a home, cash in the bank, peace, fulfillment and a man that loves her. Looking back the destruction of her own life felt and looked absolute. The reality was the destruction of the old life was required to birth a reconstruction of her new life. Her escape from Zoomanity was not only complete, it was an example of how to experience, absorb and listen to the human inside the zooman. This example would be set in stone for her kids, for future times. Is it time you took some action? Are you ready after feeling your being through the previous laws to take action? Are you in fear, scared or ready to move your life forward? What action will you take? What will the consequences of the action be? Where will this all lead to? How do you see you life beyond the action? Only you know and will know that for sure. As you life goes forward you'll only discover without knowing. You'll have to be there now, let go of a future based happiness and experience and enjoy your life right now.


Alan Forrest Smith is the Author of Acclaimed Life-Changing book … Escape from Zoomanity

33 Years a student of spirituality

27 years a student of business and marketing Serving for change and a better Order The Book Here




Law of Shift