The End of The World

Are We Really Facing The End of the world?

End Of The World

That has been, and was, and still is the most spectacular daily, hourly minute-by-minute act of mind control ever to have entered the living consciousness of mankind.

It crushed many. It killed millions. It has felt like a war against the normality of a happy life.

Four years later we are still here and still trying to make sense of what took place.

The Great Transfer of Wealth

During that period one of the greatest ever transfers of real wealth took place. The common man got poorer and a new elite of money grabbing billionaires was created. They fantastically, brilliantly and masterfully transferred billions into their banks whilst some starved to death, got evicted, lost their businesses, and lost their homes.

Family businesses that had existed for generations vanished. Yet the wealth never vanished - it was simply transferred somewhere else. While the common man struggled to feed his children the new elite could be seen on Instagram in their new yachts, private jets, new islands and newfound - yet short-lived - friends partying, laughing and mocking what they now see as - you -  the underclass.

Even the politicians happily partied, took new men and new women for themselves, and improved their homes, cars and lifestyles whilst they secretly - and openly - mocked the common man. One senior politician in the UK had a £120,000 mobile home parked outside her house. She claimed she didn’t know how it got there or how long it had been there.

The Greatest Scam In All Of History

The mass of mankind fell for one of the greatest scams since the beginning of human history. All these scams were and are built around fear. Fear of this, fear of that and fear of what is coming. Fear of loss of life or impending pain.

And have you noticed since the ‘pandemic’ that once one fear slowly dissipates a new fear arises? That fear is always connected to bigger mankind. Never localised and with endless changing rules.

The Fear of …

The virus. Covid-19. Vaccines. Lockdowns. Mass death. Intimidation. Social media feeding and controlling. Governments controlling social media. Pharma controls governments usually through one man. Global climate catastrophe. Israel war. Gaza genocide. Excess deaths.

Ukraine war - the world will starve if we do nothing. You will starve. Digital passports. Depopulation. The endless obsession adults - politicians and those in positions of trust - of appearing desperate to accommodate the destruction of the sexual organs of a child and they pretend that child is a different gender.  Now Scotland is paving the way and wants to IMPRISON any parent that objects to their taking a child and forcing that child into changing sex. Climate change has never been proven - and quite the opposite is actually happening. Electric cars. Zero emissions. Ownership removal. And now new for 2024 - DISEASE X.

And the rules purposely change. Monthly. Weekly. Daily. 

The C-19 Vaccine Legacy

Then of course there is the effect of the vaccines. The list of side effects is far too long to write here but think about this. Sudden death was a phrase never used. Now it is actually a cause of death. The ignored proof is overwhelming on these injections.

Now we have talk of a new world war. Today's media wants us to believe that the troubled Red Sea where the world’s busiest shipping lane is will be the spark for WW3. And predictably it's all Iran’s fault.

So now it's ok to fire more missiles into tiny countries and slaughter some locals because if we don't there will be a shortage of consumer goods here there and everywhere. Why? Because that is what humanity is endlessly being told.

And now WHO - WEF AND GATES say - the next pandemic or Disease X is on its way (how do they know?)  The end of farming. Banning of eating beef. It’s relentless.

They even have the blatant audacity to take a standard 100-year time frame for the average pandemic to a now proposed annual event.

Improve Our Life By Killing More of Humanity

The elites and WEF have openly said they would like the human population down to at least a billion. They say it should be achievable somehow. To reduce the population of humanity. Create a new non-sexual breed of human that cannot reproduce. Ramp-up killer vaccines that are estimated to have already killed over thirty million. Create endless fear because this is what keeps humanity compliant.

And what about immigrants? They are painted as stone-cold criminals. Yes, some will be yet most imprisoned individuals are always locals. We are told they will take everything. Take over. Take our families. Force our women to comply into being Muslim. They are taking over London. Taking over governments. Taking over this and that.

And now in DAVOS where the new ELITE  class meet annually to discuss how they can enslave, manipulate and masterfully force humanity into compliance their theme this year is ‘Rebuilding Trust.”

Who do you trust?

Trust and democracy are now walking on very thin, but shared ice.

Can you trust Doctors? Can you trust politicians? Can you trust authorities? Can you trust new salvationists like Russell Brand? Tommy Robinson? Elon Musk? Joe Rogan? Dr. John Campbell? Alex Jones? Trudeau? Putin? Biden? What we know and what we’ve learned is we understand based on facts most politicians are liars and most of those supporting a democracy are renowned liars. As we saw during the year 2020/21 they are no friends of the public they are supposed to serve. They even managed to transfer service in the police force to oppression and violence adjacent to the public. Things can and will turn quickly.

The wear and tear and endless eradication of trust against these self-serving elites have never been greater.

The Pharaoh Model of Humanity

There is clearly a desire to reshape the world. That desire is according to those who want a world that fits their vision of what is best for humankind. Right now that is looking more like a Pharaoh-style model. That model is the masses will serve the elites. They eat the best meat whilst demanding you eat bugs to save their planet.

Deconstructing Democracy With Fear

2020 handed a unique opportunity on a  plate to those who wanted or loved the big idea of more control over humanity. The public became hypnotically passive, sat back and allowed the ‘rules’ of reasonableness to be smashed for the sake of what they then thought was their health. Once those democratic rules were carefully removed and replaced the leaders had more power to fight the public. Once they had that power they have been extremely reluctant to hand any power back.

The New Weather EVENT

And we can see how the process of relentlessly enforced fear has continued. This week in the UK were are being given warnings about what has been rebranded as a ‘weather event.’ These events are now measured on green, amber or red. A blanket warning of a threat of loss of life is issued via all news channels, and people are told to stock up on food and stay at home if possible - so they don’t die. The event was called snow. Around 1 cm fell. The temperature is now back to normal. All in 24 hours. It’s called winter yet the rebrand has been effective for the sake of fear.

The UK is a kingdom of four countries. Each country is separated by a border known as a county. Each county has a more north or southerly or east or west location. In other words despite the endless fear being pumped out the reality is there is no weather event. It’s just weather. It’s snowing high up in Scotland because that is what it always does in January. It is snowing high over the Lake District because that is what it always does.

They tell us it's a high-risk weather event - SNOW BOMB - yet the truth is - it's the weather. This is fear. Fear is the control.

The impossibility of sustaining the unnatural behaviours.

History Reveals The Outcome

First of all, it's important to look at history. History reveals that sustaining anything unnatural is unsustainable. During lockdowns one of my sons was convinced this was forever. A lot of the political elite loved it as they holidayed in the eternal sunshine all over the globe.

I know a local doctor who wouldn’t see the sick like we all do). It turns out she couldn’t see the local sick because she had bought a sunshine holiday home to sit out the pandemic. She was hundreds of miles away getting paid to sit in the sunshine. They would have made it last longer. My reply to my son was what they are doing right now is unsustainable. I was right and even the mighty China that had built massive quarantine cities eventually realised it wasn’t possible to run an economy under such a drastic experiment. Their massive multi-billion cost quarantine cities now lie covered in dust. The idea that all unvaccinated were to be cast out of society and given their own leper-like dirty spaces had its attempts. Australia, New Zealand and Canada were countries at the very extreme end of this. It is what they wanted yet with huge disappointment the sustainability of such drastic action wasn’t possible.

Awake or Asleep?

People are getting wiser and starting to see the bigger picture. Not everyone but enough to feel their intuition is telling them - this endless feeding of fears isn’t normal.

As history is our teacher what does history tell us to the eventual outcome? It tells us when we go against the natural order of things it always ends in total failure. That failure can arrive in all sizes. Catastrophic to adjustments and shifts. Humans are awakening to this abuse but it will take more.

The New War Against Mankind

The elites are at war with us - the public. They want to force us, coerce us, change our will, impoverish us, detach us and seduce us into the most unnatural things. They think they re winning. They cannot win.

The New Obsession With Changing Childrens Sex

They might love the drama, entertainment and excitement of taking your children. Then surgically removing their gender identity and forcing them into a life of non-sexual production, life-sustaining drugs and endless surgeries. Here’s one thing for sure - they wouldn’t allow this experiment to happen to their kids yet they love the idea of doing it to yours.

Something is very wrong when a state can propose (Scotland) 7 years of jail, and the removal of children as young as 4 years so the state can coerce surgery and sexual mutilation to them. 

The Great 2020 Unparalleled Lockdown Disaster

Their lockdown experiment has left nothing but layer after layer of global destruction. Life-saving drugs were available yet they ignored and publicly condemned the use of them. 58 million Americans were left unemployed. 41% of black-owned businesses vanished forever. Food chains, child abuse, mental health, isolation, depression and more.

Workers lost over $3.7 trillion whilst the few billionaires GAINED over $3.9 trillion. There were 493 new billionaires created in the USA alone whilst a new 8 million Americans were added below the poverty line. The freedoms of the internet were removed by those bought out. Zuckenburg's wealth increased by a monstrous $35 billion.  Google Sergey Brin by $41 billion and of course the ever more notorious now death cult spokesman crying for population decreases - Bill Gates by $22 billion. This has continued and will continue under new shapeshifting approaches to transfer wealth, impoverish the masses and create new narratives built around fear.

The Elites Are Running Out Of Places To Hide

Their bubble and massive power grab will burst. When? How much longer can they hide or pass blame on the huge excess deaths we are seeing globally?  Excess deaths in certain countries as high as over 40% for some months.

This is a war against the majority of humankind.

They demand to be served by those that should be served. They want us to serve them under their conditions. And let's not forget the open conversations taking place in forums like WEF where they openly talk about killing populations in the name of sustainability. As a small example in Canada, they offer suicide as a medical option. Why? To reduce costs, reduce hassle and reduce population.

In the UK it's as good as impossible for young people to buy a home. Their solution is to create small units - houses into flats - and fill them with young people. This is of course as the political elite get richer and richer from their speaking deals, book launches and endless backhanders.

The Laughter Never Ends

They truly are laughing at you/me. They think they have got away with it. They havent. I think we are at a point where 2024-2025 will be a year where we will face a self-made pandemic built around heart failures from these vaccines. This will be branded as a new pandemic (PANDEMIC X) to cover their crime. I have mentioned it many times before. For example when they first began to speak about myocarditis as a side-effect the new non-experts were brushing it off as a simple recovery over time. Yet when REAL experts talk about this they explain that this ultimately leads to heart failure or transplant.

Just because Heroin is in a needle it doesn't make it a vaccine. 

When Conspiracy Is Truth

The manipulation has been huge. The labels have been endless. The label known as conspiracy theirots is an interesting one. Almost every single covid conspiracy theory has proved to be true… TRUE and yet the media is still pushing delusional lies. You can read at least some of them here. They are laughing at you. when confronted about revealed truths the elites like to - smile or laugh - at the questions. Today I watched the leader of WHO walking into the WEF in Davos. He was being confronted with truths - including the death of many and he simply smiled.

The End of The World Or a Cleansing?

When people talk about the end of the world we have been programmed to think of nuclear war. Yet our friend history reveals that worlds have ended and changed through a drastic centralised moment. That moment then can have a ripple effect all through society.

The world will end as in WEF/WHO and even the UN have had their time. Yet to truly sustain that ending means a new way to govern. I think this will take far longer. Those that demand that you serve as a slavish pleb will simply shift to a more perceptive based way of ruling so as to make us feel they are serving us.

There is no longevity in their slavish ideas. There can be no home run for world domination. However if people don’t rise in greater numbers their fall will take longer than most of us would like.

They want you to beleive this is the end of the world. Fear reduces a person ability to react. Fear can force people to look to others for salvation. They present themselves as new salvationists whilst they’re the ones actually doing the ruining.

This isn’t the end of the world as they would want you to believe. This is the end of many things like the self proclaimed oligarchy, the elitist ruiners, those demanding to be served, the big idea of one global ruler.

It will come to a ruinous end for them.

Run And Save Yourself

So what can we do?

You have to be heard by someone. You have to unplug from the feeds. You have to be aware. You must stay awake. You must be prepared to do all you can to protect your children if you have them. To protect your family where you can.

But most of all this is a time where you must be prepared to stand your ground if that time comes.

The only world that is ending is THEIR world.

Our young ones need to be supported to create a better, stronger and more powerful future. They need to be free from the need to be served and worshipped like the pseudo gods the elites have come to believe they are.

The future is good. Don’t over worry - that’s what they want you to do.

Everything is going to be fine.

They are presenting a future that is unsustainable and unnatural. This itself is the ticking time-bomb for themselves.

The people are free.

History is our greatest teacher

Alan Forrest Smith


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Just another day in Gaza