Londonageddon Despite a brilliant London Olympics you’d think after reading a news report this morning that the end of London was about to take place. The streets in the city are silent. West end tickets sales down 40%. Hotel rooms empty. Market traders have no one to sell to. The underground is empty. Restaurants are serving nothing but boredom to their staff. Yet… Londonageddon was always coming, why? What the media streams into the minds of the masses is very powerful. Take this one point. Daily on the run up to London we had endless messages about terrorist attacks, the army surrounding everything and even installing surface to air missiles on the roof tops of some homes! We also saw dry runs of the underground during this period. How it would be so tightly packed that people on the platforms would have to heave-ho passengers into the tube like peas in a pod. And then the endless traffic warnings. New lanes would have to be created; new roads have to be built to accommodate the massive influx of visitor traffic. It would be a London gridlock that could see you being left in your car for hours. It’s obvious isn’t it … streams of messages from the media can and do have a negative effect on those that allow it into their heads. The messages dig deep and are hammered deeply into the psyche at an indelible level that clearly sticks. The media use the uniformed, the unaware, the unconscious to FEED the masses of mankind the kind of messages they think are going to shock or scare the masses. They appear not to care about the side affects. Take Londonageddon for example. Lets pretend the media had lots of meetings about the after effect of thie reporting. Lets pretend in those media rooms that someone said, “surely if we keep reporting like this we are going to scare people away from London and that will have an effect on the economy?” Lets pretend the editors said, “great thinking, lets feed the nation positive, up building images and words so they flock in droves and enjoy this historic period. I’m sure the reported Londonageddon would have looked very different with a very different booming outcome. Result … Fear is fed into the minds of the public and the public stays away. I have no idea of the cost of the economy but it is clear that the media messages silent and loud had have a hugely damaging effect on London’s business owners? And all of this in a media titled deeper-than-deep-recession. Do we become what we eat? When I say eat I mean what we feed into our minds. Lets think about this carefully. If we read no news, if we avoided bad messages, if we avoided negative TV, if we avoided newspapers, news at ten, news on the go and media dribble, feeds and gossip would that make a difference to what we think and feel about on a daily basis? Would that make a difference to our conversations? Would that make a difference to what is going on yin your mind right now? The truth is we become what we feed our minds with. It’s no accident that we have created a huge drunken culture in the UK more so than most other nations because images of drunk through TV and other media outlets are always put into happy situations. Even at the movies recently with my sons I couldn’t help but notice the powerful, fun packed, happy smiling party going faces of the adverts that were repeatedly played on the big screen. The movie was aged 12yrs. The adverts were for Vodka. If they showed young women unconscious and vomiting at the side of the street do you think it would sell as well? Or how about this … that kind of advertising had greater controls. Yet sadly the media is run by those that have sales first and foremost in their minds; sales of TV shows, sales of newspapers, sales of magazines and news feeds. Its those very same sales that have created Londonageddon when in actuality it would be of greater benefit to mankind if we turned and rejected these kind of feeds. Of course a lot of mankind wouldn’t. They enjoy the drama too much, they read the drama, they absorb the drama, they become the drama or in other words… they become what they feed themselves. It’s a self-perpetuating circle. The masters feed the masses, the masses wait for the next episode, and it’s almost like an addiction of the very worst kind. Most have no idea why they read about a Z-list wanna-be and her or his six-pack, rubber breasted antics they just know that when the next issue comes along they read it.  And the reason most don’t give it any thought is they don’t allow themselves time to go through a thought process of thinking deeply about what goes in, what comes out. Someone in my first life used to always say to me, “Alan you give things way too much thought, just get on with life and do what everyone else does, stop question everything”. This was a person with a very average life, walking in the same flow as most of humanity. It really wasn’t for me. That person believed it, they believed that questioning, asking, digging and being aware was wrong yet a person that refuses to question and look at life for it’s maximum benefit feels almost soulless. So back to Londonaggedon and lesson learned because lets face it the Olympics have been nothing short of spectacular. Danny Boyle and those that surround him must be proud beyond words. I have to admit I was left tearful and absorbed in his 3 hours of absolute brilliance. Yet the other lessons from the media are this. Have the images of surface to air missiles and thousands of troops kept people away? Did the endless barrage of negative messages of the security staffing shortages and kids asleep that could barely speak English really caused huge crowd and security problems? Did the images of underground panic and roadblock really transpire and materialize into actuality? The truth is always very different to reality yet a reality that doesn’t exist can be brought into existence through messages that can appear to be so subtle they can have a huge effect on minds of any nation as we can see from the result of Londonageddon. So the real question we need to ask ourselves is; what do we feed ourselves mentally each day? What we feed ourselves can create what we think about. What we think about will, always does at some point become our reality. Alan Forrest Smith. PLEASE COMMENT BELOW.  


Dead Bread

