Salvation Searchist

So the search continues. There she goes, jumping on another plane, heading to another strange, hot location in search of something. In 3 years she has walked out of her job, changed her friends and acquaintances, flown over 3 continents, read and underlined and noted countless manuals, hired an endless list of guru mentors to guide her, almost climbed mountains, felt her faith vanish and then grow, then vanish then grow and when all is settled ... off she moves again. When asked about her search she always replies.... 'I know I'm close' ... then carries on looking for something. Sound familiar? The salvation of oneself. The bettering of oneself. The growth of oneself. Yet the problem with this searching is very simple. Each of us are a human being with extra-ordinary capabilities. There are times when we need to be guided into a path that will show us the keys to unlock our greatness. But the truth is we are all unique. We look the same, eat the same, drink the same, all have a heart, brain and arms but the fact is what works for one - as precise as it may be - may not work for another and usually rarely works the same for another. So she or he will carry on the search, looking to uncover, discover, recover themselves until they finally reach what they will feel is their own salvation. Here's the problem. When the search goes outside of yourself, it rarely results in discovery at the end of a search. The reasons are quite simple. Most if us have the capability to find our own peace. That own path starts inside of yourself. That could mean facing up to certain issues, previous events, inherited habits and more. I knew a person like the girl above that felt the need to run from everything in life. When things got to comfortable, she moved on. Her destructive nature became a noose around her neck and she always felt it was her own fault that something, somehow, somewhere was calling her. Tracing the issue was easier than she could have ever believed. It actually began with her father and then become impacted in guilt through her mother. This loaded guilt would become so heavy for her at times it would force her into depression always believing the guilt was her own and not the inherited guilt it really was. She ran and ran and ran and ran. Finally she came to a stop, the stop was a moment, a moment of realization that all the running and searching in this world was leading to the same place. It had become a huge cycle of pain and destruction with moments of happiness in between. She was broke. She looked ill. She was suffering. Finally while in a clinic for depression she became so low she took her own life. Sad end I know. She was a human being run and adopted and guided by the machine called Zoomanity. The past 6 years of her adult life became a pursuit of the outside. She never come to know that the change always takes place within. It's a small fractional, microscopic moment where the human consciousness awakes and becomes aware of what is really taking place. You know the moment where you say ... 'I've had enough' Yet we are constantly guided, being sold to, being shown a better, bigger way to happiness. When and if we hit what they promise the results is salvation through the result. I wonder how many lives are lost through this pursuit. Chasing, searching, pursuing the goal set by others? When in reality the ultimate search begins within. When something happens to you do you ask why? Then do you ask why again? Then do you dig deeper and deeper and ask why again? The truth is there are always answers and ways and truths yet the 'truth' is rarely outside yourself. Just a thought. Just a moment. Just an observation. Right, wrong, share your thoughts below. Alan Forrest Smith Authour and creator of


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