Life Purpose or Purposeful Life?

I've known Annie for years now. She is a beautiful woman with a lot going for her. Smart, married, kids, great job and drop-dead gorgeous. Like I said, she has a lot going for her. Four years ago I saw changes in her that were to redefine her life forever. She had read about how women in particular were to find their life purpose and stop at nothing until they found it. She was ready for he message, her life had become a bore with nothing taking place on any day of the week. Her man had become dull, her home life had become an endless routine, she thought more and more about her self. In the past she had looked for more meaning. She had studied Taoism a simple almost stoic life. She had looked into many aspects of christian belief then quickly moved on into Indian culture studying life, time and reincarnation. So when she heard someone on a stage saying, "would you like me to show you how to uncover your life purpose", it really was music to her ears. It sounded so easy, the women spoke on stage that she was getting messages from a divine source and these messages gave her the knack of being able to intuitively just 'know' a strangers purpose for life. Annie loved the sound of it and fours years later her life is very different. Annie is broke. Annie is alone. Annie is part of a pack. Annie is no longer searching, she goes home every night and cries to her Gods, asking them, "why, why, why are you not showing my life purpose?". Sadly Annie is not unique, as a speaker myself on my world travels I have met so many people that are willing to tell others how to live their lives for a fee. They say they and they only have the key to the door into God, the Universe and are willing to open and step inside to get the answers for the individuals asking. They will tell people like Annie that God or the Universe has favored them, they get new information almost on demand, the spirits will speak to them and she the speaker will tell her what is next. Now, today Annie is lost, alone and no closer to her life purpose than ever before. It raised a question in me, are we looking to find our life purpose or should we be living, creating a life that has a purpose? The life purpose people believe that each person on earth has a preset, pre-determined life purpose. The only real way to find it is to pay another to reveal it for them. Yet isn't it clear we should be living a life fulfilled or full and filled with real purpose for what serves us or serves others? How full is our life? How filled is our life? Is your life fulfilled? Surely the problem with the life purpose people is this. Life becomes all about them, all about the person doing the searching (or paying the hefty fee). They sell their services on the fact that they have had divine contact and although it cannot be proved if the buyer has enough faith, they will also be able to find their own purpose. Yet in my own experience traveling the world this almost cult like group have created an empty wasteland of women, alone, unhappy, struggling and desperate to hear or buy into the next big thing that will guarantee someone salvation. Don't read me wrong, we all have a purpose in life but it raise the question how purposeful is our life? I strongly feel if we are desperately unhappy in life we have to be the agents of our own change. We have to create our own salvation. What the life purpose people do is create a dependency. Zoomanity loves dependents, it feeds dependency into all aspects of life, even into our spiritual feelings at every level. By the way there is nothing new about life purpose. Even Adam in the garden of Edan was asking questions, he wanted to know, he wanted to understand. So did Eve and so have billions after them. If you want purpose from your life, breaking outside Zoomanity is the only way. Zoomanity will use everything, anything, all things in its power to hold you. Groups, cults, gangs and more. But the bottom line is, no one else can live, create or reveal your life for you, it's up to you and you only. Or is it? Just an thought, just an observation. Alan Forrest Smith


Judge or Observe


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