What Is Truth?

Today I was sitting in one of my favourite breakfast places with my darling wife Tamuna. We had coffee as usual. We had a breakfast croissant as always. Then we sat to read. Around ten minutes later a couple we know arrived. When I say we know them we just know them to say hello to and chat with as they work in the restaurant we were breakfasting in. He had to start his work right away while she sat with us and began to talk. Do you believe the world is flat or round she asked? Then before we had time to reply she then told us she believed the earth is flat, the moon landings never took place, 9/11 was conspiracy and then went on to tell many more conspiracies that the mass of humanity accept as truth or a fact or as they are yet a minority see them as a lie. That lie is about a greater control over humanity. Three hours later I have had time to digest my thoughts from the one hour conversation. There is nothing new in conspiracy of course. Just google the term, history and conspiracy do go back a long time. And of course if something is said enough, long enough, repeated enough, in the mind of the masses it becomes truth. For example during the renaissance of Rome it was decided to turn Rome into a ‘heavenly’ gallery. The greatest of the greatest artist were invited to decorate the city and bring it to life with angels, cherubs, gods and every iconic image and thought from biblical scenes and catholic belief. The art was many-fold. To cover the corruptions or make the corruptions be forgotten of a long line of corrupt popes that lived lavishly, abusively and did everything and anything the catholic teachings and bible teachings taught. Also to create a heaven on Earth imagery and feeling or to give the impression that God really does reside 'in Rome' so all people and all things should worship to God who … now resides and blesses Rome. Yet does God reside in Rome or is rome Gods chosen place?

Is this a truth or is it a conspiracy manufactured by men to give greater control over the mass of mankind - Zoomanity?

Maybe the reality is that it is accepted as a fact by well over ONE BILLION that this is a truth yet the truth and reality are  the whole idea was conceived by men, for men to control men. Maybe that is telling us something even greater? If we are unwilling to inform ourselves there are those that will tell us what is truth and we will accept it as truth despite the contrary? Do we even surrender our common sense when our common sense has is telling us it ins't quite right? The more a lie is taught as truth it eventually becomes a truth with the mass of mankind because they as a majority rarely take time to find out themselves. There has been many of these thrown around in recent times. Just take the 9/11 conspiracy and the huge volume written on that subject. A good case in question right now are a lot of ‘loose facts’ being thrown into the media by Donald Trump and his presidential campaign. It is clear a lot of what he speaks isn’t a truth yet for those that don’t want to find out and have a dependency on being led with the mass they simply accept anything they are told. The problem is with that is the life of another is now placed in the hands and minds of a liar. Liar yes, anyone that puts into motion a conspiracy not built on fact is by definition a liar. Yet this does raise another question… does everything have a truth or have to have a truth? Or are somethings in life simply an enigma never to be understood for the reason is understanding offers no benefit to mankind? If we do not understand them does that mean they offer no value to us as humans? Not really after all there are many things even the most brilliant don't yet understand yet we do understand their value - like the human brain.

Evolution the fact behind the theory or theory behind the fact - it seems no one knows!

Evolution has been taught as a fact since as far back as I can remember. It is called  - in full - The Theory of Evolution NOT The Fact of Evolution. Why? Because it is un-proven as a fact so can only be a theory or a man-made idea. Yet there are those that will fight and fight the fact of evolution from a very light perspective. It has been said to survive the Giraffe had to grow a very long neck to reach it's food high in the tree. It is also said that same animal spent millions of years growing it's neck. The question is why didn't it die out in the meantime off it was so urgent to reach the top of the tree. Or did the Giraffe time its long neck change to match the same evolving state of the tree? There are fundamentalists of course that would appear to surrender their life to support their own initiatives founders of a godless faith called atheism like Dawkins yet at the same time the man (he is just a man) has lived just sixty something years in a world that has been here for millions of years. Are we to accept that he has unravelled the history of life as we know it during his academia period whilst feeding of the food of other men? Yet this theory - The Theory of Evolution -  is taught in many media forms as a fact. It is quoted as a fact. It is accepted by our educational figures as a fact. Is it a fact? Apparently not - not yet anyway. What really is the fact is this; it has been repeated so many times as a fact by so many people over so many generations it has become an embedded fact just as the Rome scenarios. This is classic zoomanic repeats behaviour. Surely the lesson is don’t accept everything that is thrown at us as a fact. The media love to dramatise as it sells space. The leaders love to manipulate as it sells power. The mass of humanity are ignorant but don't know they are ignorant as they never search for truth of any kind. Do you? It's no wonder that conspiracies have more grip than ever. For thinking humans like our friend above people want more because it doesn't take a lot to peel back the layers on what is being sold as any kind of truth. Some conspiracies maybe true. Some may not be true. Some may not even be worth spending our time reading or listening to. Yet we do have a responsibility to ourselves to make sure we question everything and find answers where needed. Don't we? Peeling back the layers. Alan Forrest Smith If this article raised any thoughts in your mind please leave a comment here below this article, or share this article online.  


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