Starbucks Man & Unseen Forces

Right now I'm in Starbucks drinking coffee, watching, listening, looking and observing humanity.There's a guy sat around 5 feet away from me. He is alone, around 35, short black hair, looks like he hasn't been sleeping,, pretty stocky and 'feels' very angry. He keeps going on his phone, speaking to people and almost slamming his blackberry on the table at the end of each call. Actually I over-heard and he is heading to the court across the road soon. After each sip of his drink he shakes his head in a slight shake of disbelief, bangs down the white, rather over-used Starbucks mug and then picks up an empty sugar packet, napkin, stirring rod and takes out his anger on them by crunching, snapping and crushing them to almost nothing. I'm almost scared to catch his eye in case he grabs me and tries to drown me in my cappuccino!I wonder, why is he so angry? The power of his anger is so strong I can actually feel it reaching me and affecting my body.This took me back to a few visits I had over at Heart math in Boulder creek California. This time just last year I sat in the blazing sunshine just after a rain storm and sat with Howard as we drank tea and ate a delicious organic lunch. At Heart math they are scientists that have proven the connection with emotions and the heart of the human body. They have also discovered how they heart radiates an energy field from the human around 5 foot in circumference around each person (including you). The energy in that field your heart puts out connects with the energy field of people around you or close to you.If you are happy, people can feel or be subconsciously attracted to your happiness. If sad the effect can be the same, if angry the effect is the same. Which takes me back to this guy in Starbucks. Zoomanity likes us to behave in a way that is expected, conditioned or polished to behave, react and perform. When something goes wrong we are supposed to be annoyed, angry, reactive. Yet if we really sit down, listen, look at the lesson we will see that this is life teaching us a lesson usually about US, not the other. Yet the problem when we are not aware of that anger that is uncontrolled, that is sent out in our field of energy, that is shared subconsciously with others is it can lead to dark things. Take this scene made up scene.The Starbucks guy is on his own and is clearly angry. Another guy walks in, he is also about to go to the courts and is clearly in the same reactive mode as the first guy. When people around begin to unconsciously FEEL the vibrations coming from both men their inner being tells them, warns them that something isn't quite right. We sometimes say... bad atmosphere or thick atmosphere in the UK. Atmo-sphere come from ATMO, meaning air, sphere meaning to encircle The air encircling the two men has a lower, angrier vibration. The heart is radiating anger, discontent or an un-contented or no content or unfilled hearts and minds of the angry men. When they connect in Starbucks ... a War ensues. Of course there wasn't a war in Starbucks today but it's just an observation of how the feelings from a person can affect the feelings of others in a room.Zoomanity like us to stay quiet, say nothing, question nothing. It like us to think that understanding, digging deep, accepting reasoning and the why from others is acceptable. We are to listen to the repeaters and repeater as they repeat. As I wrote about it's a subject Zoomanity are told not to accept. It's weird, it's a bunch of hippies being hippies, it's not taught in school so it can't be right. The vinration of the human, the subconscious activity of the person. This stuff is not to be accepted or recognized. This is part of the Zooman way. Humans as we know them, knew them were more than tapped into their humanity, even the invisable, unexplainable (or in the cae of heartmath, very explainable) I just wondered for a moment, is the angry man in Starbucks acting out a drama the way he has seen or been taught over decades from family, from TV, from movies, from the media? Probably, this is Zoomanity, this is the place where we question nothing and accept everything.Just an observation, just a question.I'd love to know what you think? Post a comment below and share your thoughts


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