News Narcotics

Did you see it, read it, the news? Hooked, addicted, news, abuser ... this is the world of the News Narcotic! I was in my village today where I live and a guy asked if I'd seen the news all week? I said 'no' He reply, 'no are you serious you don't know about this guy killing his ex-wife, shooting a policeman in the face hiding for days and then shooting himself live on TV in the head?' 'No' I replied. He looked at me as if I had just landed from another solar system on a day visit to Lymm! The conversation ended. Then as I looked along the line EVERYONE was talking about this news incident. Even worse Jean (the till girl) would say to every single person at the checkout the same line... 'did you see that man on the news shooting all of those people and then killing himself, Terrible wasn't it, terrible' I eventually got to the checkout and she repeated the same one liner to me. I replied to her...'are you enjoying the hot  weather?' Jean replied... 'at least it was good weather for that guy on the run and to shoot himself' I thought, how can it ever be good weather to shoot yourself? Has Jean gone crazy?  Has the people in the shop been taken over by some insidious invisible airborne virus? When I got outside I then could see the same story on billboards, on a TV across the road in an electronics window and as I walked past people up the street I could easily hear how they were all talking about the same subject. This is the effect of News Narcotic. Think about this. You go to bed at night and your brain and body refreshes itself from all the dirt and grime from the day. Even the mental grime from the news, media and more. Then in the morning we are programmed to... listen to the news... in our home, in our car, from a newspaper, in the line at the shops, one person to another... chat, chat, chat! Does that have an effect on mankind? Does that have an effect on YOU? You bet it does. Think about this. You drink tea or coffee? You drink coke? They are caffeine loaded. Now I know you don't need big brother me to tell you that but let think about this. Each day first thing in the morning, several times in the day, in the evenings we load up with our drinks, our favorite drinks right? Now we do it on autopilot. We don't think about it because our body needs it. Our body is asking us, it's telling, demanding of us we top up. If we don't follow the subliminal demands... we suffer headaches etc. So think about this. Your body, my body reacts and acts in ways not even scientists understand. What we do know and they do know is what we ingest mentally and physically has an effect on our body. So when we wake up our news addiction asks us to tune and find out. We wake, switch on tune in and top up. Why? Because that's what we are conditioned to do. Go to any news stand where I live on a weekend in particular and you'll see line after line after line after line of people walking out topping up on the news. The problem with this is this... Science has proved humans are affected at a cellular level by external happenings. When we all tune into something bad it reduces the wavelength or the force or the power or the energy we work at. In other words we under perform at almost every level. When we tune into good, we over perform and I think the best recent example is the HIGH of the World Cup in South Africa. A nation come together like never before to celebrate the good of sport and people coming together. They read it. They slept it. The worked it. The ate it. It transformed that nation in months. Incredible example of how GOOD vibrations can transform. But when we focus on the bad stuff like the news, like celebrity lifestyles, like soap operas, like TV trash, like daily news on the hour, from the hour we are led into a dark alley on nowhere and no growth for ourselves as people. In the UK we have a TV show called Eastenders. From start to finish it is manafactured human misery and drama. Death, divorce, pain, suffering, tears and low, low feeling. Yet a third of the UK population watch it. You can hear people talking and being part of the life of the characters. They talk as if they are real. 'Did you see what happend to Pauline last night?' ... yet Pauline doesn't exist, she is fantasty created by a writer. This fantasty becomes a reality and is aborbed into the human. Actually... terrifying when you think about this! In fact this negative food holds mankind in a state of fear. When in a state of fear mankind will ALWAYS look to be led and NOT lead himself. So man when at that level is hooked, looking and asking for a leader at an invisible level. Interesting because everyman has the ability to lead himself in or out of everything but it depends on how tuned in he/she is to themselves. The more we unplug from the daily happenings, newsreel, endless gossip about his life, her life, their life and the more we focus on who and what we are as human BE-INs the more we unleash the creator, the genius, the human in us. Are you addicted? Are you hooked on News Narcotics? There is always a way out for you. There are always for you to grow and expand yourself, to get strong, be stronger, thrive and survive. It's up to you. Enjoy your adventure. Do you have an opinion on this? I'd love to hear you share it.


Dead Self


Adulterous Bitch?