Law of the Moment

Law of Moment It might be coming, it might have happened, it might have arrived. You and only you will know it, but at the same time, not know it, you can feel it but are not sure what the feeling is. It's the moment that some can pinpoint, some just know that it's happened this is a moment when you realize things cannot go on as they are and have to change. A story. There's a guy that has been in business for years, I mean over 20 years now. He is doing just ok. Has all the trappings that Zoomanity had to offer him. On the surface he has everything. Big home, big cars, big holidays. From the outside looking in he is one of Zoomanitys examples of 'made it'. His friends envy him, his neighbors envy him and all that look at the 3 prestige cars on his driveway, his huge six bed roomed house and his glamorous wife can only look and say 'he's rich'. The reality is his moment, his personal moment has arrived. He has everything but also has the debts to go with it. His earnings are lower than his outgoings each month. He makes stacks of money but spends mountains of money. His credit cards, mortgages, leasing, loans and borrowings are so high after 20 years he can no longer keep up with it. His moment is this, he has realized at a single point, a single moment, maybe less than one second in time, his life cannot go on like this. Things have to change for him fast. Yet no one likes change so those around him will also have to be part of that change in one way or another. They will allow or resist and this will affect the outcome. He feels mentally confused, physically weak, mentally strong, physically strong, confused, ignited into taking memorable action. What action will he take? He has no idea because at this point he isn't quite sure what's going on, all he knows is life changes have to take place and this feels big. If they don't take place he has a feeling inside of almost dying, of giving up, of surrendering to his life in a careless Zoomanity, caged, trapped and under the controls of others which ultimately lead to his inner unhappiness. He knows now when he is unhappy those around him will face his unhappy state day after day. He also knows his life is history being created for his children. Are they to accept everything as they are told or are they to learn from the example of their father that changes can be made! Can you relate to that? Do you have something in your life right now, this moment where you have come to realize this cannot carry on for one minute longer? You know you can't just drop out but you also know staying in will only make you worse. Why should you stay trapped, inhibited, restricted or on a path that clearly will only lead to an eventual closing of your being? The closing of your being will frustrate you, sadden you, make you unhappy, bitter, resentful. This is a life of resistance, resistance leads to resentment, resentment leads to an unhappy being. What is your moment?

  • Job?

  • Finances?

  • Relationships?

  • Health?

  • Spirit?

  • Fitness?

If you are feeling overwhelm, don't. The overwhelm is your inner being crying out for escape, it's asking you to awaken to the change of direction that is needed. It is needed, it is required and your moment may have arrived. Are you feeling unsettled all the time? Is your mind always somewhere else? Do you have thoughts that are taking you into a new place but you feel bad going into that new place when at the same time you feel you really need to be in that new place? Yet you are not even sure what that new place is yet, you just know you have to be there, go there. This moment is starting to  fill your thinking, each hour, each day, month after month. It won't go away, you've tried to remove it, you don't really want to face it yet it has arrived, your moment has finally arrived. Your Escape from Zoomanity is well underway, you are facing the reality of the Laws of human success, life success.

Alan Forrest Smith is the Author of Acclaimed Life-Changing book … Escape from Zoomanity


33 Years a student of spirituality

27 years a student of business and marketing Serving for change and a better Order The Book Here


Law of Shift


Law of Decision