Covid Confusion Syndrome

Are you still, confused?

I’m standing in line in Nero coffee shop. I am not wearing a mask. The woman in front of me acts increasingly nervous because of my bare face. The couple behind me have mentioned a few times to each other their shock at me not conforming and wearing a mask. The guy being served in front of me isn’t wearing a mask. The two guys serving coffee are not wearing masks. Once the guy in front of me gets his coffee he sits at a table literally next to me let and removes his mask to breathe (and I assume drink). Next to him are four other people also sitting without masks on. I eventually get served my coffee. As I look down the floor stickers read; stay 1.5 metres apart. So-called COVID safe safety signs everywhere tell me that this coffee shop is saving my life, keeping me safe from imminent death and will do everything to save me from a certain end.

The couple behind me now are holding up the line in the shop. They are both fully masked, but refuse to move forward because they feel I could be a carrier of the new plague (the same plague almost 100% survive from). They are maybe a distance of 4-metres away from me. The even longer queue behind them is getting impatient as it now goes outside the shop into a very safe zone called fresh air. I eventually get my coffee and croissants, via my no touch, no contaminate, no plague and really safe (you won’t die) App and take the super-safe one-away system to the safe world outside where my wife sits at a small table.

The very nervous, feeling very unsafe couple then come out from the coffee remove their masks, sit down just next to us (it's now safe) and light a couple of cigarettes. Apparently, cigarettes really help you to stay safe and very healthy during this pandemic. Their smoke drifts my way and I share for free their cancer-inducing morning refreshments. The conversation that can clearly be heard from everyone at all the tables is about the virus and staying safe. At this point, this no longer feels about safe it feels more about mind control and it's working! I know this; my coffee is strong and my croissants are dripping with almond butter and cream. With every bite, I contemplate the thought; what is actually happening to people?

The virus is real. It has and had its place and yet the reality is very different from what the media, conspiracists, COVID deniers and politicians are pumping out every second they have. The most dangerous virus right now is the viruses infiltrating minds and reshaping the way we think. Everyone is now an expert in safety, in health, in saving others and in enforcement.

Think about this.

Today we are all online. We are all super-connected. Most of us check our phones continually. The purpose of all online companies is one purpose way only. To allow advertisers to advertise to you. They force (and they do force) messages so subtle, so powerful, so overwhelming and incredibly well planned and thought out that we can find ourselves locked into mind-ideas we never really thought about the day before or even an hour before.

The bigger problem with these mind viruses is this: they are being accepted as a fact rather than what they mostly are... A VIRUS. Why is this happening? It happens because phones and just about anything online are fighting for our attention. They will adopt, allow and use everything and anything they can to keep us locked into the loop.

Social media companies are now the richest companies on planet Earth. Not because they enhance life but rather because of the massive databases of subscribers. You as a subscriber actually have a real price on your head. You have become a sellable asset to the likes of Google and others. This means that big advertisers will spend incredible amounts of cash to get in front of your eyes so they can sell stuff. This means people like Facebook have to work harder than ever to keep you addicted and glued on their website. Have you done that where you watch a video and before you know it you’ve scrolled through dozens of videos? This is no accident. It is a carefully constructed process of mind control. That mind control is designed to hold you in front of that screen so advertisers can get in front of you.

A very recent report reveals Earth's animals have and are facing a catastrophe. Two-thirds of all wildlife has vanished in just 40-years due to mans incredibly bad management and endless greed and consumption. Part of that has been pollution on mass. Now take this ‘virus’ and plastic and waste. Never before in history has plastic been created at such speeds as it has been right now. Where will all of that NEW plastic waste go after the virus? Seeing apparently ‘high-risk’ and very dangerous face masks dumped on the street is now commonplace. I have seen I would guess at least 10-15 lying on the street amongst the leaves on the way for coffee. Plastic stickers, plastic signs and more, I could go on.

And yet …

This has all started in the mind with very well designed yet simple implantation of mind viruses.

It's a process of repeat, repeat, repeat and mass visualisation of single thoughts all now coming from our pocket calculator ... our phones. Isn’t it time we all began to ask more questions about what is really going on here? Even the politicians (and some have gotten very rich during this period) appear to be asking zero questions. They don’t want us to ask questions either.

We vote politicians into place as managers of our country. Sometimes we pick the best of a bad bunch but we all pick them all the same. If they manage things that is fine. Yet the longer problem is if we then enter a crisis period (like now) and we have managers and not thinkers this means we can only be heading for trouble. Once you have politicians that act under peer pressure, ill-thinking and a lack of philosophical long term vision we are in trouble. We are now living in a period where politicians will say what it takes to pacify the people without actually seeing a longer-term view of reality. We also have politicians that live in fear and buckle under peer pressure. Non seem to own the ability to think. Non seem to see the sense in sense.

Take the U.K. banned travel lists. Sweden has now been removed from the banned lists (quarantine lists). They have also had the most successful battle against the virus. They had no lockdown and allowed the virus to circulate amongst the population. They also warned everyone and told them to take careful steps and manage their own safety. They did this. The results are highly impressive, to say the least, and their economy remains almost untouched and unharmed. This was what the U.K. started out to do also at the start but quickly change tact under peer-pressure from other governments. The problem is even if something is right or wrong the mind is now being forced on mass through thinking (rather than singular critical thinking) made for humans by social algorithms or companies like Google so they can keep their revenues high from their advertisers and controllers.

A mass-mind virus has taken control and is currently running their thinking. Yet their thinking seems to be unthought and badly thought out. More reactive, more copy and paste than long-term.

I will say last this as history shows.

A virus cannot be controlled and has never been controlled.

A vaccine can take a very long time to develop (typically decades and on the current trajectory, it is looking like 2032).

Lockdown only delays the inevitable. Once we leave home and become fully human again the virus picks up from where it was left.

Is this all making sense yet?

Right now we have a world trying to stop the tide from coming in and yet the water just keeps getting deeper. Surely it is better to stand on safe ground and allow the water to flow?

It’s true and been said so many times, these are very strange times.

This is the COVID CONFUSION SYNDROME in full view.

There has never been a greater time in history where you absolutely must protect your mind. Yes, the body should be protected and kept healthy, but the mind is the first port of call for all.

Here are a few things I’ve been doing to try and keep my mind healthy in no particular order.

  • Become time conscious (life is time)

  • Avoid too much news (see headlines just once per day)

  • Reduce time on a phone (what are you actually doing on that phone?)

  • Switch off phone notifications (it's like getting mail once a day again rather than every minute of the day)

  • Remove Apps from phone

  • Leave the phone on the window ledge in the kitchen

  • Avoid and reduce social media

  • Avoid negative conversations (change the conversation to positive when with people)

  • Believe in the power of humanity

  • Remind yourself that the world has seen far worse and this will pass

  • Focus on the now and be in the now (worry about tomorrow - tomorrow)

  • Never forget the power of the human being

  • Never forget the weakness of the human being

  • Learn something new every day (this will empower your mind)

  • Be patient with others

  • Be kind to others

  • Be long-suffering with those that need that long-suffering

  • Focus on those around you

  • Be happy to be alive

And never forget these can be great times, but only IF YOU stay in control of your mind.


Alan Forrest Smith

A Book On How I Escaped From Mind-Control Here


England Lockdown 2.0


The Age of Stupid