
In 2010 I Made a Choice to Escape a Virus, Lockdown and Self-Isolate For 12-Weeks.

At the end of the self-isolation, I’d had enough and wanted to come home. I booked my flight and jumped on the plane and then returned home to England. And I can tell you. I never felt so alive in my life.

Self-Isolation Isn’t New.

Before it became an enforced trend it was called ‘getting away from everything’ I had passed through a storm. That storm started with a brutal divorce and concluded with a life-altering bankruptcy. It was horrible. It felt like a million voices firing at me their opinions on what was going to be best for me. I had become very anxious, lost my confidence and I felt weak.It was hard to take more than I was going through.

So I booked a flight to self-isolation.

At the end of the self-isolation, I’d had enough and wanted to come home. I booked my flight and jumped on the plane and then returned home to England. And I can tell you. I never felt so alive in my life.

Discover more about my whole 12-week self-isolation and the conclusions I came to. The full story is in my book, Escape from Zoomanity. (Zoo-Man-Ity was a phrase I created to replace hu-man-ity.)


Readers Reviews Had This To Say Aboiut Escape from Zoomanity…



Modern and Contemporary Writer and Philosopher

Alan Forrest Smith

What is life?

It appears to be a construct of ideas created by others that we are expected to live by? Most of those ideas are deeply embedded and rarely questioned. For this reason we mostly have to search and discover what life really is for ourselves and it can be mostly the exact opposite of what we have known. My words reflects just that. The life, the times, the thoughts and experiences of Alan Forrest Smith.

By peeling back the layers, by understanding ZOOMANITY and by deliberately recreating what we need to create our life and give ourselves the happiness you as a human deserve.


Escape From Zoomanity The Book: “Masterpiece” “Compelling” ” Powerful” “Pure Truth” “Brilliant”

“a contemporary modern philosopher peeling back the layers of real life”


TEDx Talk tickets to be released very soon.

WHO IS? … Alan Forrest Smith is a specialist in human behaviours. And is a professional speaker, author, and business consultant whose clients range from global security firms, large chain organisations, and corporate executives to hairdressing salons, actors, and TV personalities. TO BE RESCHEDULED DUE TO C.V

A talk designed for organsational teams that want more thinking, more ideas and more BIG action. Created to provoke heightened thinking, positive forward moving action and awareness that the RISK, the NOW and the FUTURE are all connected to daily activities. Invite Alan as your expert here…


Talking FUTURE in Tbilisi


A Talk on Futurism